06 مارچ 30 helpful questions delivered here (what is a cupping)

Frequently Asked Question About Hijama Therapy
What is a Cupping Therapy
What is a Cupping ?
Hijama Cupping is the modern term for an ancient medical treatment in which a partial vacuum is created in cups that is positioned onto the surface of the body.
The vacuum created by either heat or suction draws up the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscle layers a few millimeters into the cups.
The negative pressure that translates into the body’s tissues encourages blood flow,
the release of toxins, and the removal of waste and has been found to affect the body up to four inches deep through the tissues.
The cups can be left in one place on the skin or moved around as part of massage cupping.
The treatment can be utilized to influence the movement of bodily fluids such as lymph fluid, venous drainage, and the reduction of stagnant flow.
As the treatment uses negative pressure it lifts muscles and tissues rather than pressing down on them like in a conventional massage, it enables the treatment to massage tissues from the inside out.
This has beneficial effects on muscles, fascia, and skin as well as influencing the deeper organs.
What is Difference Between Wet Cupping and Dry Cupping?
Both of the treatments involve Cupping which uses a negative suction method where small cups are placed on the skin and creates a vacuum which draws blood to the area allowing it to circulate.
Wet Cupping (Hijama), requires small superficial cuts no deeper than the top layer of the dermis. With the negative pressure of the cup, the skin will break allowing us to remove the dead blood cells and toxins.
Hijama Wet cupping therapy gives you all the benefits dry cupping gives and much more.
Known to help relieve body pain, inflammation, migraines, headaches, fatigue, high blood pressure, detoxifies the blood and improves its circulation.
Dry cupping therapy does not involve any cutting of the skin.
The cups create a vacuum, drawing the blood to the surface of the skin helps loosen stiff, reduce pain and create a healthy blood flow circulation.
What is Hijama Wet Cupping Therapy?
Wet cupping is also an ancient medical technique popular amongst Arab cultures.
It utilizes the same principles of regular cupping therapy except it allows the release and removal of stagnant blood, toxins, inflammation, and swellings through the application of small scratches or pinpricks over the areas where the suction is applied.
This combination of cupping therapy and controlled bloodletting has been utilized for over 3000 years and was a practice the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) promoted and recommended as an inspiration from God.
The practice of wet cupping was also an integral part of more recent medical practice as it developed in the Middle East and was used up until the 1800’s even in the UK.
Although a simplified explanation of wet cupping can be likened to a mechanical form of leaching allowing small quantities of blood to be released from swollen and painful areas of the body, to give relief, promote healing, and to regain function.
How Long Does The Hijama Treatment Take?
Depending On Which Treatment You Select, Hijama Cupping Therapy Can Take Between 30mins To 1:15 Mins.
Slight Indication On Certain Treatments:
Back Cupping 30 Mins
Head Cupping 40 Mins
Full Body 1:15 Mins
Half Body 30-45 Mins
What Is The Purpose Of Drawing The Hijama Blood?
Hijama Is Associated With The Clearance Of Toxins Built Up In The Body Via The Microcirculatory System.
There Are Many Routes Of Waste Elimination In The Body.
This Can Be Through Digestion, Urinary, Breathing, And Sweating.
Ultimately, There Is Not One Of These Systems That Allows The Dead Blood Cells And Toxins To Flush Out Of Our Body.
Therefore By Drawing Blood To The Surface Using The Cups, We Can Remove Stagnated Lymph Fluid (Toxins).
How Can Bleeding Possibly Be Beneficial?
Many conditions and ailments that we suffer from are related to inflammation.
This includes all conditions that end with the word ‘itis’ such as arthritis, tendonitis, gastritis, appendicitis, etc.
The common factor in all these conditions is that there is too much-unwanted inflammation in that area.
This is why anti-inflammatory medication is regularly prescribed by doctors to try and reduce down the amount of this inflammation.
Unwanted inflammation can be simplified as a state in which there is too much blood in an area causing pressure and stagnation preventing the a regular flow of nutrient and waste exchange, resulting in pain and compromised natural healing abilities.
If left untreated this can develop into a chronic state in which the reduced blood flow allows the build-up of waste, carbon dioxide, and acidity, causing further pressure, cell damage, pain, and discomfort leading to more inflammation perpetuating the problem.
Chemical drugs can be used to reduce down pain and dampen down inflammation but cupping therapy has the unique ability to draw out inflammation, stagnant blood, cell debris, and toxins from deep within the body to the surface of the skin.
By utilizing wet cupping therapy this built-up pressure can be released through tiny pinpricks or light scratches on the skin.
This often gives instantaneous relief and allows fresh blood, nutrients, and oxygen to penetrate the area breaking the cycle of pain and discomfort.
Traditionally it has been understood that wet cupping also allows a process of purifying the blood and removing unwanted materials from the system.
Many times there are unwanted or high levels of harmful elements in the blood such as cholesterol, uric acid, calcium deposits, rheumatoid factors and chemical messengers that modulate inflammation.
By removing these elements you can reduce the problems that they cause and reduce pain, discomfort, and disease.
For this reason, wet cupping therapy has been used throughout history to treat a wide range of conditions and even as preventative medicine.
The feeling of wellbeing, looseness in the body, and higher levels of energy are common reports of patients undergoing this form of treatment.
How Much Blood Is Drawn/taken During The Hijama Wet Cupping Process?
Depending From Person To Person, The Amount Of Blood Drawn Out Can Vary.
Up To 470ml Of Intravenous Blood Can Be Taken Out Safely.
In Hijama We Take This As Our Guide.
(However, In Hijama We Are Only Taking Non-Intravenous Blood).
At Most, We Will Take Out An Approximate Maximum Of 470ml Of Blood, Irrespective Of The Number Of Points Or Cups Applied.
Once We Reach This Limit We Stop.
If The Patient Requires Further Treatment / Additional Points, We Request That They Return For Another Session In 4 To 6 Weeks Time.
Depending On Their Ailment Or Condition, Most Patients Will Probably Not Even Reach 470ml.
Most Will Usually Have Between 200 – 300ml Taken.
What Can It Help?
Although there is very little scientific knowledge on the subject,
there are Scientific Studies that show wet cupping is effective treatment for Lower Back pain, Anterior knee pain, and Migraine headaches.
Common uses for Cupping therapy include:
1. Shoulder pains
2. Lower back pain
3. Knee pain and stiffness
4. Various forms of arthritis
5. Adhesive capsulitis (or frozen shoulder)
6. Post-surgical swellings and pain (Particularly after fractures & 7. Reconstruction surgeries)
8. Acute ankle sprains and deep foot pain
9. General body tension
10. Hormonal problems/lethargy
11. Menstrual Pain/infertility
12. Poly Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS
13. Lymphedema Muscular injuries
14. Post Trauma Migraines (specifically after Cranial Injury/Surgeries)
Can I Get Hijama While Pregnant?
No, Pregnant Women Should Never Be Cupped. This Can Cause Early Labour Or Miscarriage At An Early Stage.
Can You Get Cupping Done Whilst Breast-Feeding?
Yes, Although We Ask Women To Recover Post Child Birth. There Are No Contraindications.
Is hijama good for high blood pressure?
The Negative Suction Pressure Provided By The Cupping Can Loosen Muscles, Encourage Blood Flow And Sedate The Nervous System
When Is The Best Time For Doing Hijama For Women?
The Best Time Hijama For Women is Off Their Menstrual Cycle. The Cleanse Is Much Greater!
Is Hijama Therapy Safe?
When practiced in a clean and hygienic environment under the guidance of a qualified health professional both cupping and wet cupping is safe and relatively risk-free.
A screening of previous medical history and medications is always conducted to ensure that the treatment is suitable for the individual patient.
Vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate are also conducted.
In the case of wet cupping, all materials used on each patient are single-use and disposed of after each treatment eliminating any risks of cross-contamination.
The small pinpricks or light scratches created to release stagnant blood are so small that they do not release blood after the cups have been removed and are almost always dry by the end of each treatment.
The quantity of blood removed is usually of a very minimal amount and this is usually no more than the quantity taken in a routine blood test.
As a general precaution but patients, iron levels are always taken into consideration.
Do We Re-use The Hijama Cups?
For The Safety And Hygiene Of Our Clients, Al Hadi Hijama Uses Only Disposable Products And Equipment For Each Treatment.
We Dispose Of All Cups Economically After Each Service With The Clinical Waste.
We Restock Our Products Regularly To Ensure Each Client Receives A New And Satisfied Experience.
How long does it take for cupping marks to go away?
how to get rid of cupping marks?
Yes, both regular and wet cupping can leave round bruise-like marks on the surface of the skin that can stay for approximately one week but does gradually fade.
In wet cupping, this is accompanied by pin marks or scratches that will completely fade within a similar time frame depending on the individual skin type.
Are There Any Contraindications For Hijama/Cupping?
It is important to note that cupping is a relatively non-invasive technique.
As such you generally don’t have much to worry about with it. But there are times when it is best NOT to have it.
There are some rules you should follow.
1) High fever and/or convulsions
2) Moderate to severe cardiomyopathy
3) Hemophilia
4) Extreme debility with loss of skin elasticity
5) Women during pregnancy
6) Very young children or weak elderly people
What Is The Hadith About Hijama?
The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) said, “Healing is in three things: A gulp of honey, hijama/cupping, and branding with fire (cauterizing). But I forbid my followers to use (cauterization) branding with fire.”
Book of Prophetic Traditions (Bukhari : Volume 7, Book 71, Number 584)
Read all the hadith about hijama here
What to expect after hijama?
Remember that Hijama is an easy yet very effective way of assisting your body to heal or prevent it from becoming imbalanced and consequently unwell.
The therapist will show you a small cup that will be placed either on the area/s of pain or on specific points of your body to promote healing and detoxification.
You will undergo one or more of the following treatments:
1) Dry Hijama: One or more cups are placed on the body with suction for up to 10-15 min. It takes around 7 days after wet cupping to get fully detox.
2) Wet (blood) Hijama: This is the same as Dry Hijama only with small scratches under the cup to extract toxic blood. This is the most effective treatment instantly you will get relief from the pain.
The best advice is to fast; however, some people are unwell or feel very weak when fasting.
It is better not to eat for at least 2-3 hours before treatment so that the body is not occupied with digesting food.
– Avoid physical activity, Intercourse, eating meat, milk products & Shower for 24 hours.
– Prepare for your treatment by doing extra housework, cooking, and/or work so you can rest later.
– If you are going to have it done on your head or other hairy body parts e.g. legs/chest area, it is advisable to shave these areas prior to having the procedure.
This prevents the possibility of the cups not holding onto to the relevant area.
– Ensure you advise the practitioner who will be doing the cupping, of your full medical history.
Can Hijama Help Me Lose Weight?
cupping for weight loss yes Indeed it helps, Hijama Activates Good Blood Circulation And Kick Starts The Metabolism.
Therefore, Energy And Fat Are Burned Faster!
Hijama Can Also Help Relieve Water Retention In The Body
Do I Have To Shave My Hair To Get Head Cups?
No, Although We Do Prefer Men To Have Shaven Hair, Women Are Not Expected To.
Al Hadi Hijama Has Provided A Machine To Help With The Negative Suction To Hold On Long Hair.
How Can Hijama Help With My Skin Conditions Eg? Pimples, Acne, Rashes?
Yes, In Some Cases Individuals Have Seen A Difference To Their Skin.
Hijama for acne has seen wonders, you can see the pictures of before and after here.
Cupping for Eczema has seen 99% cure rate.
The Skin Is The Largest Organ In The Body, Which Is Also A Functional System For Eliminating Waste Through Our Oil And Sweat Glands.
If It Is Hindered Or Malnourished It Will Not Function Properly. Toxic Substances Become Blocked And Cause Irritation And Inflammation.
By Increasing Blood Flow To Affected Areas And Eliminating The Toxins, We Can Reduce Stagnation And Distribute New Oxygen To The Area Allowing Fresh Blood Cells To Flow.
How can I book an hijama appointment?
please click this link to book your appointment
Do The Incisions Hurt For Wet Cupping?
The Incisions May Tickle As We Basically Tap The Skin With The Sterile Blade.
The Negative Pressure Of The Cups Numbs The Surface Of The Skin For 5-10 Seconds
Allowing Us To Make Quick Light Incisions Before Putting The Negative Pressure Back On.
How Deep Do We Go With Our Incisions?
The Incisions Are Not Deep.
The Skin Has 3 Main Layers. To Perform Hijama Wet Cupping, Superficial Cuts Are Made To The Surface Of The Skin Between The Epidermis And The Dermis (But Not Deep).
The Dermis Is Where The Capillaries Begin And We Bleed The Capillaries.
Once The Incisions Are Done, We Then Put The Cups Back On The Targeted Areas And The Negative Pressure Of The Cup Breaks The Skins Allowing The Blood To Draw Out.
These Cuts Are Done With A Sterile Single Use Blade And Do Not Scar Your Skin As We Don’t Go Deep.
What Precautions Do I Need To Take After Cupping Treatment:
Make sure you can rest if you need to. Some people feel very tired and need to take it easy.
Others feel energized, but do not exert yourself even if you feel like this.
Do not underestimate the treatment and remember to respect the fact that your body needs rest in order to replenish and repair.
what to do after cupping?
1. Keep warm; do not allow the areas that have been treated to be exposed to the wind, water, or cold.
2. Try not to eat meat and dairy products for the next 24 hours. This is because these items take up 40% of your body’s energy to digest, and this energy is needed to rejuvenate your body after having the treatment.
3. Try not to have coffee, alcohol, tea, and fizzy drinks for the next 24 hours.
4. No Physical Activity For 24 hours
5. Take first meal after 4-6 hours after hijama.
6. Drink 1.2L of water immediately after treatment.
7. Drink plenty of fresh fruit juice.
8. No marital relationship for 24 hours
How Often Can I Get Wet Cupping Treatment Done?
Many patients ask us how many times hijama should be done,
We Recommend Healthy Clients (who don’t have any diseases) To Cleanse Their Body Once Every 3 Weeks.
But for clients who have severe diseases like cancer, liver failure, smoking addiction, alcohol addiction and in a very severe diseases and conditions we recommend them every 7 days. (a must)
Acidic Toxic Waste Accumulate In Our Bodies Causing Us To Feel Tired, Sluggish And Fatigue.
Sources Of Toxic Waste Include:
The Polluted Air We Breathe, Toxic Chemicals Found In Our Food And Water, Intoxicating Drinks, Narcotic Drugs, Junk Food, And Smoking.
Hijama Treatment Helps Detox And Cleanse The Body And Blood.
Will I Faint Or Can Cupping Make You Sick?
Very few people do, Sometimes this happens to people who do not respond well to seeing blood.
It is very rare that people feel sick, but if they do it is important to understand that Hijama is the fastest way to detoxify your body so it may go into a bit of shock.
However, it is not dangerous and is not classified as a side effect.
Will I Be Able To Work After My Treatment?
Listen to your body; if you feel tired then rest. Be sure to rest when you can. Tip! Get an early night before your treatment.
What Do I Need On The Day Of Appointment?
1. Please be on time! You may lose your appointment or cut your treatment time by arriving late. It is better to arrive earlier than later.
Money is not reimbursed once a patient has been booked in.
2. Please bring your medical reports. (If you have any) If you do not have one then please arrive at least half an hour early so you can have a consultation with the doctor.
3. Please relax and do not worry. If you are tense it will not help your treatment.
Deep breathing and having a positive attitude will help you to calm down.
Is Hijama Therapy A New Therapy And Why It Is Not Well Heard Of?
No the practice of Wet Cupping dates back to as far as history has records.
It is one of the oldest time-served medical practices in the world.
It was practiced by the Ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, and Greeks, including the great Greek physician Hippocrates.
It was also practiced extensively by the Arabs after the Muslim Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) described its divine prescription for man’s ailments.
Points to Consider:
- It may take several cupping sessions before any benefit is seen for certain ailments, however it is shown that pain relief is almost instant.
- Nothing is the same for everyone and each person will be assessed and advised accordingly.
- Actions are but by intention, so intend to have Hijama with a positive thinking and thereby attain benefit.
Frequently Asked Question About Hijama Therapy

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